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Daniel Cardoso
Managing Director

Co-founder of Gavea Jus, Daniel is one of the pioneers in legal claim investments locally. For the past 15 years he has been highly active in deal making with local and offshore investors and is highly respected among his peers. Daniel holds an LL.B. from PUC/SP and a master’s degree from USP.
David Norgren
Managing Director

David held positions in the public sector in Brazil (Ministry of Justice, Secretariat for Economic Development), abroad (Ministère de l’Économie, France) and in the private sector. Founded the special situations practice at an alternative investments asset management. David holds an LL.B. and a master’s degree from USP and a master’s in public administration from ENA - École Nationale d’Administration.
Fabio Ohara
Chief Investment Officer

Fabio has over 30 years of experience in the financial industry (Itaú BBA, BFB Investment Bank e sócio diretor da Rio Bravo Investimentos) and public sector experience, having acted as Deputy Secretary and Director of Investments for the Ministry of Social Security. Founded and served as CEO for Vela Investimentos and MTZ Data. Fabio holds BSc of Engineering from USP and MBA from University of California Berkeley, Haas School of Business and an OPM from Harvard Business School. He is a Portfolio Manager by CVM and holds CGA/CGE and CFP
® certifications.
Roberto Itô
Chief Financial Officer and Backoffice

Roberto has 12 years of experience in the financial industry, having acted with Investments and Corporate Finance at LCA Consultores, Treasury at Eldorado Brasil Celulose and Infrastructure and Special Situations in an alternative investments asset management. Roberto holds a BSc in Economics from USP and a Master in Financial Economics from FGV and holds CGA/CGE 
Nelson Rosa
Investment Professional

Nelson has 12 years of experience with litigation (Ferro, Castro Neves, Daltro e Gomide; Szazi, Bechara, Storto, Rosa & Figueiredo Lopes Advogados). Nelson holds LL.B. from USP, post-graduation from Escola Paulista de Direito and completing Contract Law post-graduation at INSPER. Nelson was nominated as “One of the most recognized lawyers in the country” by Análise 500 magazine from 2017 to 2019.
Ana Luiza Stella
Investment Professional

Ana has 9 years of experience with Tax Law and Legal Audit to Legal Claim investments. Ana holds an LL.B. from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and Tax Law post-graduation from IBDT.
Isabelle Gustis
Investment Professional

Isabelle has more than 5 years in an office specializing in civil litigation and arbitration (Sergio Bermudes Advogados). Isabelle holds an LL.B. from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.
Maria Luisa Rosa Dias
Investment Professional

Maria Luisa has 4 years of experience with NPL investments, focused on recovery and negotiation of Distressed Assets. Maria holds both degrees, in Business and Law, from ESPM and PUC/SP.
Image by Diego Gennaro
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